Monday, July 24, 2017

Forgot your Wi-fi password? you are just a command away from retrieving it on windows or mac

How to Find the Wi-Fi Password of your Current Network

If you’ve connected to a Wi-Fi network, your computer usually saves that password so you don’t have to enter it in every time. But sometimes you forget the password and if you need to connect a second device, like your mobile phone to the same WiFi network then you will not be able to connect. In such a situation how do you find out the password?

If you are the administrator it is very simple all you need to do is to open the command prompt on your computer and retrieve the saved password in one easy step. To figure out all you need to do is enter in a simple command in the command line. The technique works on both Mac and Windows PCs.

Revealing a Wi-Fi password is a slightly different on Windows and Mac.

In Windows, you need to open up a command prompt in administrator mode. Then enter this command, substituting your Wi-Fi network name in for “labnol”:

netsh wlan show profile name=labnol key=clear | findstr Key         


In Mac OS X, open up Terminal, and enter in this command, substituting “labnol” for your Wi-Fi network name:

security find-generic-password -ga labnol | grep password
In case you want to know more methods of obtaining your lost Wi-Fi password you can refer to the Techworm blog on the same

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